The air ducts in your office building are often out of sight. You notice the dirt on the floor, the crumbs on the counter, and the fingerprints on the windows but you rarely look up at the air ducts above you. If you haven’t looked at your air ducts for months, now is the time.
It is unlikely that your custodial staff is cleaning your air ducts. The majority of custodial staff in office buildings would not have the proper supplies or equipment to do so properly. Indoor air can be up to 70 percent more polluted than outdoor air, justifying why air ducts should be cleaned regularly.
The cleanliness of your air ducts can play a major role in your employees’ health. If you have numerous employees that frequently suffer from seasonal allergies or common colds, it could be due to the filth on your air ducts. If your employees are often reporting that they don’t feel well while at work, you should consider getting your air ducts inspected by a professional cleaning company. Employees that don’t feel well are going to call in sick often, resulting in less productivity and profit. Cleaning your air ducts will help many improve the health of your employees and prevent call-ins.
The build-up of dust, dirt, and other waste on your air ducts is picked up and circulated whenever the building is being heated or cooled. The particles from the air ducts are carried through the air which can result in lingering odors in the air. If you thoroughly clean and sanitize the air ducts, the quality of the air being forced through will not only be cleaner but will contain no odors as well.
With winter quickly approaching, rodents and bugs are desperate to get inside of buildings and homes. The warmth of a heating air duct in a commercial building is the ideal winter resting place for creatures. Even if the inside of your building is spotless, the majority of animals are now starting to search for shelter for the winter months. By cleaning out air ducts of your office building, you will be able to get rid of any bug carcasses, any rodent droppings, or reveal any pests that might be trying to settle in.
Frequent changes in air temperature can cause walls and ceilings to condensate. Eventually, condensation grows into mold which can cause illnesses from coughing to breathing trouble. Molds typically have no scent and the only way to find mold is to search for it. Air ducts are often pushing out air that varies in temperature, making them a breeding ground for mold. It is important to have your air ducts checked for any indication of mold and to clean them regularly in order to prevent it.
Contact Blue Chip Bulding Maintenance, Inc. to clean your office building before cold temperatures settle in and those air ducts start clocking overtime.
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